Saturday, 5 September 2015

still amazed at the miracles!

After being introduced to the gift of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, 
7 years later I am still amazed at the miracles that are performed right before my eyes.

As I tell my children, we should always strive to practice The Law of Attraction, but sometimes we need a refresher course and when that happens just pop in The Secret DVD or stream it on the internet,
 so that you can remind yourself of what it takes to make your life the fullest it can be.

I did just that. I watched The Secret DVD again recently because
 I felt I just wasn’t where I needed/wanted to be in life. There are big changes that
 I want to make and knew what I needed to do to make it happen.
 I had an “a ha” moment for the millionth time when 
I watched the DVD and I was inclined to make a new and improved vision board.
 I initially made one several years ago, but had not done it again since.

I made a vision board for all the things I want in life for myself and my family,
 this was about 2 weeks ago. 
My main goal was more money, among other things.

In the past week, I was offered another job making $10,000 more a year,
 with a bonus every 3 months!

I did not accept the offer because my current job matched what I was being offered!

Last night I received a phone call from my husband and he hit big on the
 lottery numbers that he plays daily. I told him, I bet you’re glad I made that vision board!

Now you can see for yourself that The Secret truly works. 
I am so truly grateful to Rhonda Byrne and everyone else who has
 played an instrumental role in inspiring me and giving me
 the necessary tools to make positive changes in my life and others.

Thank You!!